Vitamin B12 is an essentail B Vitamin and is crucial to efficient function of the brain and nervous system. Vitamin B12 is responsible for the metabolism of every cell in the body.
Vitamin B12 also plays a huge part in the effiecney and optimal function of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is required to produce red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout your body. More information on Vitamin B12 can be found at the NHS website.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can include low mood, tiredness, problems with memory, problems with the nervous system, heart conditions and more. Vitamin B12 deficiency is commonly caused by poor diet (lack of foods that provide B12) or in some cases medical conditions.
After a consultation with a nurse you can be advised as to whether you should be treated with a Vitamin B12 booster injection.
20-30 minutes
Best results are visible in approx 5 days
Full recovery in approx 48-72 hours
3-6 months
Laser Hair Removal is a simple yet effective treatment. A laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair or the area that is being treated. The light energy is converted to heat, which damages sacs within the hair folicles that produce hairs. This prevents of delays future hair growth of the treated area.
Nearly all of the body can be treated. Popular areas imclude – Face, Legs, Arms, Back, Bikini Lines, Chest and more.
The experience of Laser Hair Removal varies from client to client but gernally this treatment is a paintless one.
Results vary depending on skin colour and hair colour. Usually with a package results can be seen in as little as 4-6 weeks